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The wrong fence (2002)

Mr Neville (Kenneth Branagh) tells the police inspector (Roy Billing) that the three escaped girls must be following the rabbit-proof fence north, to their home. He devises a plan to catch them, sending police troopers down the fence from the ... [read more]

The ancestors coming (2006)

The narrator (David Gulpilil) introduces his ancestors, as they walk into the bush on a hunting trip. Minygululu (Peter Minygululu) leads the column, followed by his younger brother Dayindi (Jamie Gulpilil). Djigirr (Peter Djigirr) complains about being at the back ... [read more]

The travelling show (2001)

A boxing troupe sets up the tent for their travelling show. Former tent boxers talk about the limited opportunities available to young Indigenous men in Moree in the early 1960s and why they took up the tent-boxing life. Interviews are ... [read more]

The small fortress (1985)

This clip describes the history of the Terezin concentration camp, or Theresienstadt as the Germans called it, and what might have happened to the internees. There is a map of Theresienstadt that shows the location of the large and small ... [read more]

The ‘hero’ Beowulf (1980)

The hero Beowulf (voiced by Arthur Dignam) and his men arrive at the King’s mead hall. [read more]

‘Happiness for two’ (c1960)

This clip contains three short advertisements with the jingle 'happiness for two’. The first ad is performed in a bare studio with a woman standing alone, centre stage, as a male voice-over says 'for the girl who’s got that all-by-herself ... [read more]

On the run (1985)

A young Yeshiva student, Jack, and the East End fishmonger Morrie Mendellsohn (Bob Hoskins) have left the camp and walked into town. They savour an illicit ice cream and discover that there’s no train until Friday. Since they have no ... [read more]

Angry Penguins (1995)

Joy Hester (1920-1960) was a passionate woman whose works, mainly in ink, are confronting. Her confident work is displayed by her first husband, painter Albert Tucker. Hester was a part of the group of Victorian artists called 'Angry Penguins’ by ... [read more]

At the greengrocer (2003)

Phaedra (Susan Prior) nervously turns up to deliver a love poem to the greengrocer she fancies (Tia has told her she’d had sex with him – devastating to the sexually timid Phaedra). She finds the courage to go ahead, but ... [read more]

Getting the shots (1982)

Billy Kwan (Linda Hunt) and Guy Hamilton (Mel Gibson) film a communist youth demonstration in the streets of Jakarta. As the demonstration gets out of hand, the demonstrators turn on Billy, trying to stop him filming. Hamilton is fearless in ... [read more]

At the bank (1984)

Maggie wants to cash her pension cheques at the bank so that she can offer Arthur the money to buy a new car. [read more]

‘Lock the mine’ (1983)

Wattie Doig (Chris Haywood) reads a list of miners’ demands to company manager Birch (David Kendall). Birch orders the mine shut. [read more]

President Sukarno (2001)

Reviews the background and leadership of President Sukarno, leader of Indonesia from 1949 to 1965. He had led the independence movement after the Second World War and embraced communism while preaching religious tolerance as a means to unite Indonesia’s various ... [read more]

Into the void (1983)

Jenny is determined to show her worth to the rest of the group, even if it means tackling abseiling when she has a terror of heights. [read more]

Before white people (2005)

Black-and-white photographs of the two Nanas when they were younger women, with babies in arms. The sequence of photographs with voice-over tells us of the first time they ever saw white people. [read more]

The Darcy family (1981)

The Darcys are an unusual family. They are extremely wealthy and yet they live the tough and hard-working life of real outback battlers. Nevertheless, the family makes light of chores and there’s a real warmth between all of them. [read more]

The job interview (2011)

Lucy (Emily Browning) arrives for an interview with Clara (Rachael Blake) in reply to the job advertisement she saw in the student newspaper. The job is involves being a lingerie waitress but there is ‘room for promotion’, according to Clara. ... [read more]

‘The face that killed your mother’ (2007)

Rose (Joan Chen), Joe (Qi Yuwu) and the two children go to a Chinese martial arts movie, where Joe and May (Irene Chen) throw popcorn at each other. Rose is angry afterwards and accuses May of dressing ‘like a slut’. ... [read more]

‘The front office doesn’t believe in promises’ (1980)

After the transfer of prisoners in the middle of the night, Mr Norton (Max Phipps) comes to apologise to Jackson (Bryan Brown) for the breaking of the deal. Norton talks about the fear he felt as a young prison officer, ... [read more]

The singing chef (1952)

In the kitchen of a small restaurant, while watching over boiling pots of soup, a cheerful singing chef (entertainer Bobby Limb) shares the secret of his delicious evening meals – he uses Nestlé's packaged soups. As the soup impresses the ... [read more]

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