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A great partnership (2005)
When Gayle married Mac she was, and still is, a great beauty. She always looked her best. In order to help her to maintain her sense of worth, Mac is learning how to apply makeup for her. [read more]
Shanghai’s Fashion Week (1997)
Chinese fashion designers Guo Pei and Sun Jian combine forces to present a fashion parade in Shanghai to extend people’s awareness of their brand. They talk about their design principles, combining Eastern and Western elements, and how they compliment each ... [read more]
Time for a throw out (1993)
Arthur (Garry McDonald) is trying to persuade his reluctant mother, Maggie (Ruth Cracknell) to throw out some of her old tights. Older brother Robbie (Henri Szeps) arrives with a most uncharacteristic offer to take his mother for a drive. [read more]
‘You could have someone happy’ (1983)
Stella (Geraldine Haywood) stays for dinner with Pam (Gabrielle Shornegg) and her family. An argument breaks out between Pam’s mother (Colleen Fitzpatrick), father (Paul Chubb) and sister (Joanne Gabbe). [read more]
‘Sweet Adeline’ (1938)
Joe (George Wallace) and his mate 'Happy’ Morgan (Joe Valli) get drunk after Joe’s heart has been broken. Joe demonstrates his skills at jazz-style 'scat’ singing, with three harmonising fellow drinkers, before falling several times on his ear. [read more]
‘A beautiful story’ (2007)
Tom Chandon (Rob Carlton) and his cinematographer Nick (Darren Gilshenan) visit Helen (Penne Hackforth-Jones) at home to interview her and her daughter Maggie (Kate Mulvaney) for her dog tribute video. [read more]
‘It’s not safe’ (2009)
José Ramos-Horta (Oscar Isaac) announces he is leaving Dili and urges Roger East (Anthony LaPaglia) to follow him. East refuses. He waves goodbye to Juliana (Anamaria Barreto). [read more]
Ada laughs (2001)
Ada (voiced by Isobel Lancaster) is more responsive to her growing granddaughter, helping her with her homework and laughing when Lee spills peas. [read more]
Don’t try this at home (2004)
Ben Cropp swims with a crocodile in an attempt to get good video footage. [read more]
How to be a country music star (1995)
Music professionals give advice about succeeding as a country music star. [read more]
‘My final statement’ (2004)
Euthanasia campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke says he advises many people intent on suicide. Seventy-nine-year-old Lisette Nigot writes her final letter. [read more]
‘Don’t get on while I’m here’ (2005)
Tracy (Cate Blanchett) has been hiding in a bedroom while Lionel Dawson (Hugo Weaving) receives a heroin delivery. When she returns he’s getting ready to inject. Tracy is angry that he has forgotten she is there. Next morning, Tracy swims ... [read more]
Moments before impact (1995)
Car drivers describe their reactions and thoughts moments before their car accident. [read more]
Ice carving made easy (2004)
Jeff Tarrant is a master ice carver and is creating a centrepiece for a banquet. [read more]
‘Where is my home?’ (1996)
In Germany, eldest daughter Yen (Annette Shun Wah) has just told her husband Michael (Julian Pulvermacher) that she wants to move to Australia. In bed, she tells him that their daughter wants to live near her grandparents. Michael responds that ... [read more]
Ten sticks, ten goose (2001)
Traditional owner of Kakadu, Bill Neidjie, talks to us about growing up in Kakadu. Children are shown how to get bush tucker food. [read more]
‘I don’t want to shoot you’ (1988)
During a supernatural event, Richard (Ritchie Singer) is attempting to murder his brother, Eddie (Steven Vidler). Richard’s wife, Rachel (Celine O’Leary), must decide whether to shoot her husband. [read more]
They say opposites attract (1998)
Greg (Tamblyn Lord) loves Vicki’s (Susie Porter) playfulness but also tries to dampen it down. He wonders whether he’ll ever get his medical degree because she is such a distraction. His no-sex-before-marriage attitude drives her crazy but she redirects her ... [read more]
‘I know it can’t last’ (1965)
Nick (George Dixon) embraces Margot (Janina Lebedew). Margot knows their love cannot last. [read more]