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‘One of the most fantastic flights ever made’ (1946)

After mechanical failure stops them from taking part in the Centenary Air Race from Australia to Britain, Kingsford Smith (Ron Randell) and PG Taylor (playing himself) decide to attempt the Pacific crossing to the US, but starting from Australia. Smithy’s ... [read more]

Debt collecting on deck (1928)

HMAS Sydney rushes to engage the Emden off the Cocos Islands, after picking up the alarm signal sent from the wireless station at Deception Island. The Sydney crew man their stations, but one crewman decides it’s time to collect ... [read more]

Lionel Murphy (1970)

Federal Opposition shadow minister Lionel Murphy pledges his government’s opposition to the Vietnam War. He says ‘we are here to end the war in Vietnam’. [read more]

‘It’s just us’ (1972)

Aliens broadcast a warning on the radio. Shirley’s mother Rita (Marion Johns), her father Reg (John Llewellyn) and suitor Harold (Helmut Bakaitis) don’t take any notice. Shirley tells the gang it’s up to them to help the aliens. [read more]

A lash at the enemy (1944)

On an armoured patrol into the desert, men of the Australian 9th Division run into an Italian patrol. Peter Linton (Peter Finch) is wounded in the first skirmish. Bluey Donkin (Grant Taylor) and Milo Trent (Chips Rafferty) break off alone ... [read more]

‘Victims’ justice is going to prevail’ (2000)

President Rau of Germany publicly apologises to the forced and slave labourers used by German industry during the Second World War. German lawyer Dr Michael Vitti says that getting closure is difficult for the Holocaust victims. US lawyer, Ed Fagan, ... [read more]

American hotdogs (1957)

On a beautiful day at Bondi, two members of the American surf lifesaving team and one from the Hawaiian team take to the water to show off the latest surfing techniques. They are in Australia for the 1956 Melbourne Olympics, ... [read more]

The right to protest (1999)

Anti-uranium mining protestors explain their role in the Jabiluka blockade. A woman recalls her first arrest and the mines security officer says that he is in favour of protesting for a cause that he may believe in. [read more]

‘There’s something I want to ask you’ (2009)

Joe (Clive Owen) enters the bedroom of his eldest son Harry (George MacKay), who has recently arrived from the UK. Joe starts talking about his relationship with Harry’s mother (Joe’s first wife). They discuss the break-up, which Joe justifies as ... [read more]

Towards a new age (1946)

The clip shows this Liberal Party cinema advertisement, for the 28 September 1946 federal election, in its entirety. The ad presents the post-Second World War period as potentially a time of great possibility for the Australian people. It argues that ... [read more]

Homecoming (1945)

This clip begins with Mrs Sprod and her daughter Kathleen preparing for the homecoming of their loved ones. Kathleen’s baby daughter Jill gives them a hand. They fix their wooden fence, trim the hedges, mow the lawn and mop the ... [read more]

Postwar Berlin (1948)

This clip from a home movie filmed by Australian Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, during a trip through Europe in 1948 shows the destruction that followed the Second World War in Berlin. Piles of rubble stand tall in front of ... [read more]

Wounded soldiers, Bécourt Château (c1917)

Stretcher bearers bring wounded soldiers into the Bécourt Château dressing station, during the battle for Pozières. From here they are loaded on trucks and taken to a Casualty Clearing Station. As shells burst in the distance, the camera examines some ... [read more]

Important early years (1938)

Dramatised scenes from a child’s first years illustrate the importance of a correct diet in early childhood development. A young family take their five-month-old daughter, Rosemary, to a baby health centre to be weighed. The matron explains the growth rate ... [read more]

‘Forty years of love’ (1994)

Joyce Johnson (Deborah Kennedy) is upset after seeing Harry (Jack Thompson) for the first time since he suffered a massive stroke. She blames herself for upsetting him. As she drives away with her daughter (Rebekah Elmaloglou), Harry, paralysed in bed, ... [read more]

The Wintergarden Theatre (c1929)

This silent clip begins with a title card announcing that the Wintergarden Theatre is the 'first theatre in the world to present a completely new invention in Talking Picture Equipment’. This is followed by an exterior shot of the Wintergarden ... [read more]

Kakadu National Park (1991)

This clip presents the natural and cultural heritage of the Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory. [read more]

Vocational training for returned soldiers (1919)

In 1919 returned First World War soldiers, accompanied by their wives, inspect various forms of vocational training such as building construction, making Sunshine harvesters, assembling cars and bricklaying. The clip begins with the three returned servicemen with their partners ... [read more]

Viewpoint (1965)

A woman (June Salter) who lost her husband in the Second World War worries that she will lose her son in Vietnam, after the introduction of conscription. [read more]

The Barossa Valley (1983)

Strolling around his winery, Hermann Thumm talks to the filmmaker, telling the story of how he founded the successful vineyard Chateau Yaldara after the Second World War when he emigrated to the Barossa Valley in South Australia. German winegrowers remain ... [read more]

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