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Buffalo – a bush tucker special (2004)
Dave and his wife Patsy run the buffalo farm in the Aboriginal lands of Kakadu. These days the buffalo must be controlled so they don’t completely destroy the natural habitat of the wetlands. The couple supply local Aboriginals with buffalo ... [read more]
You can hear it but you can’t see it (1993)
This clip expresses the idea that 'You can’t see it, but you can hear it’. Ruby lays her ear to the train tracks upon which the ghost train passes. The clip moves through different time periods, the characters telling retrospectively ... [read more]
Rodeo, Mt St John (1934)
Members of the crowd at the rodeo watch from the stands, sit down to a meal and picnic on the grounds. A man drinking a glass of beer is intercut with rodeo footage played in reverse to suggest he is ... [read more]
Australian Movie Magazine title (1971)
This clip features the opening title sequence for the Australian Movie Magazine theatrical newsreel. Note: the quality of the soundtrack on this clip is poor because of deterioration of the original sound negative. [read more]
Badger restored (2000)
Restoration of the Badger started in 1996 and was done by volunteers. Neil Weidenbach, the organiser, comments on the restoration. [read more]
Women’s business (1997)
Women performing chores. The clip shows the different social responsibilities of different members of the community. [read more]
Fire at Hornsby (1908)
People look at the burnt out shell of a building in Hornsby as the camera pans across the damage. [read more]
Kymmy arrives too late (2000)
Kymmy (Olivia Patten) arrives at the foster carer’s (Heather Mitchell) home in the city but misses her appointment with the department. [read more]
Reception and photographs (1914)
The camera films the wedding party compose themselves for still photographs at the reception. Some of the guests are also shown. The clip ends with the bride and groom standing in front of a staircase smiling for the camera. [read more]
Inside a new suburban home (1949)
The ‘Smith family’ do some gardening outside the front of their new suburban home before turning to walk inside. In the children’s bedroom, Mrs Smith places toys on the children’s beds, and in the main bedroom she makes the bed. ... [read more]
‘Are you going to hell?’ (2006)
Kenny (Shane Jacobson) takes his son Jesse (Jesse Jacobson) to see his grandfather (Ronald Jacobson), at a trailer park outside Melbourne. On the way, Kenny explains to his son why he doesn’t believe in God. At the mobile home, Kenny’s ... [read more]
‘Your troubles are my troubles’ (1937)
Dad (George Edwards) and Dave (John Saul) discuss Dave’s hope to marry Mabel, as Dad examines the farm’s finances. Money is too tight for Dad to offer his son a house, which would allow Dave to ask Mabel to marry ... [read more]
Sydney Olympics opening ceremony (2006)
Agnes joins a group of 350 Aboriginal women from the central desert to rehearse and then perform the inma kungkarangkalpa at the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. [read more]
Freedom machine (1995)
While the camera caresses the gleaming panels of a car, drivers describe in voice-over their emotions about cars. [read more]
Nobby’s Nuts (1988)
The Nobby’s Nuts 'pub posters’ advertisement can be viewed here in its entirety. The characters in three vintage pub posters start to interact when the football from one poster lands on the table in the nightclub poster. The initial tension ... [read more]
Euthanasia (1997)
The Northern Territory government passed the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act but the Australian Medical Association is against it. Speaking to camera as he drives around Darwin, Dr Philip Nitschke talks about the federal government move to reverse the ... [read more]
Four types of mail (1966)
The clip explains the four types of mail to be sorted and the way in which the postal sorting officers and the customs officers, at the new Redfern Mail Exchange, work in conjunction with the mechanised sorting equipment. [read more]
Getting ready (1999)
Ru, applying facial paint, speaks about the particular head decorations for the Amb Kor and explains the significance of the colours in terms of their tradition. Professor Andrew Strathern is being painted up, while men are working on Ru’s headdress. ... [read more]
Family (2001)
The elder is sitting near a rock. His voice-over narration runs atop paintings depicting the relationship between people and dogs. The elder tells us the importance of dogs to the people of this area, and that in this country, the ... [read more]
Highway reconstruction (1976)
An aerial shot shows the Clybucca Flat section of the Pacific Highway after the completion of reconstruction work by the NSW Department of Main Roads in 1976. Traffic passes over a joint in a conventional concrete pavement to illustrate ... [read more]