Full list of directors
This is a complete list of all people with writers credits listed on australianscreen. Click on any name for a list of titles in which they appear. Please note, this is not a definitive list of all programs with which they have been associated during their career.
prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 next- Michael Robinson
- Roland Robinson
- Ian Rochford
- Aaron Rogers
- John Romeril
- Phillip Roope
- Heather Rose
- Marc Rosenberg
- Kenneth Ross
- Sarah Rossetti
- Michael James Rowland
- Peter Rowsthorn
- John Ruane
- Mike Rubbo
- Hansen Rubenson
- Paul Rudd
- Steele Rudd
- Guy Rundle
- Troy J Russell
- Andy Ryan
- Patrick Ryan
- Michael Rymer
- John Safran
- David Sale
- Bill Salmon
- Mark Saltzer
- Bob Sanders
- Rachel Sanderson
- Jan Sardi
- Tony Sattler
- Joan Sauers
- GK Saunders
- Leon Saunders
- Phil Saunders
- Samantha Saunders
- Andrew Saw
- Moya Sayer Jones
- Andrew Scarano
- Fred Schepisi
- Roger Scholes
- Peter Schreck
- Carl Schultz
- Monique Schwarz
- Catherine Scott
- Cecil L Scott
- John A Scott
- Paul Scott
- Peter Scott
- Phillip Scott
- Jane Searle
- Ivan Sen
- Edmond Seward
- Rodney Sewell
- Stephen Sewell
- Kuranda S Seyit
- Ken Shadie
- Jim Sharman
- Martin Sharp
- Ryan Shelton
- Ann Shenfield
- John Sherman
- Frank Shields
- Jonathan M Shiff
- Mark Shirrefs
- Cate Shortland
- Lawrie Silvestrin
- John L Simpson
- Roger Simpson
- Ray Sinclair
- Rosemary Anne Sisson
- Rob Sitch
- Wendy Skelcher
- Kenneth Slessor
- Barry Sloane
- Peter Smalley
- Ralph Smart
- Beaumont Smith
- Bryan Smith
- Dennis K Smith
- Ivan Smith
- Keith Smith
- Sue Smith
- Van Sowerwine
- Ismli Soydan
- Stephen Sparke
- Steve J Spears
- Rachel Spratt
- George Sprod
- Frederick Stahl
- Terry Stapleton
- Antoinette Starkiewicz
- Roland Stavely
- Kriv Stenders
- Jon Stephens
- Robert Stephenson
- David Stevens
- Ross Stevenson
- Douglas Stewart
- Meg Stewart
- Helen Stickley-Thompson