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Wayne Blair and World Theatre Day

This year marks the 50th anniversary of World Theatre Day. Since 1961, lovers of theatre around the globe have celebrated local and international theatre on 27 March. The subject of our latest filmmaker interview, actor-director Wayne Blair, is as enthusiastic about theatre as he is about film and equally at home working on stage and screen.

Wayne takes interviewer Ray Argall backstage at Sydney’s Belvoir St Theatre. He speaks about discovering acting as a teenager, directing for theatre, making films, the value of teamwork and the joy of connecting with audiences:

'You’ve got a good piece of theatre or film or a piece of art, not everyone’s going to like it. But it’ll resonate. And it’s good when people laugh and feel sad when you laugh and feel sad. Not only in places like Rockhampton or Sydney, but in Berlin or Los Angeles or Cloncurry or Longreach.’

You can watch the interview with Wayne here. The interview is accompanied by a stills gallery and screenography.

See also titles tagged theatre.

The Djarn Djarns short film – 2005

Black Talk short film – 2002

Double Trouble – Episode 1 television program – 2007

Mullet feature film – 2001


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