Political issues
The following clips have teachers’ notes related to this topic:

Fiction of terra nullius
Peter Yu of the Yawuru and Bunuba, Kimberley Land Council, talks about Indigenous relationship to land and the High Court decision in Mabo v Queensland (No 2) (1992) 175 CLR 1. Paul …

A country’s shame
It is 1993. Dr John Hewson exclaims to the Parliament that the passing of the 'Mabo Bill’ will be a day of shame for Australia. Titles on the screen summarise the key points of the …

Labor wins in 1972
In a campaign speech, Bob Hawke pledges that an elected Whitlam government would stand-up to the US and other nations to openly declare when it believes a policy is wrong.
In separate interviews, former US …

MV Tampa and September 11
News footage of the Norwegian freighter MV Tampa carrying over 400 rescued asylum seekers off the coast of Australia is accompanied in a split-screen by barrister Julian Burnside QC who outlines the international laws protecting …

The trauma of Bali
A split-screen shows images of the Bali bombings memorial service in Canberra in October 2002 and Brian Deegan, who lost his son Josh in the bombings. As the images of the memorial service unfold on …

The year in review
This clip includes scenes of anti-apartheid demonstrations against South African sporting teams; John Gorton’s tour of Vietnam; William McMahon becoming Prime Minister; a wool fashion parade staged in the New Guinea Highlands; an unusual …

May Day
This clip begins with a survey of some of the workers who contribute to a broader labour movement, such as miners, boilermakers, tram drivers and conductors and wharfies. It then features a montage of colourful …

The hungry mile
Waterside workers are seen on the wharf while the voice-over describes their comfortable work conditions and job security, A montage of historical footage shows a queue of workers in the 1930s, and waterside workers using …

The Kaiser War
This clip begins with a cartoon of Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II surrounded by skulls. A caption illustrates the Kaiser’s thoughts, saying that while he wished to fight in the trenches, the almighty ‘willed …

General Pinochet
General Augusto Pinochet took power in Chile in 1973. He is honoured on his birthday. A woman dissident addresses a meeting calling his regime murderous.

Korean liberation
Australian veterans of the Korean War recollect the day of their liberation from prisoner of war camps.

Food rations in Cuba
An older man in the street says socialism has ensured that the people don’t starve. Basic food is available to all citizens. No other South American country can claim this. Fidel Castro is a …

A meeting of minds
News footage shows John Howard and George Bush at a press conference together at the White House prior to the invasion of Iraq. Despite the phalanx of media, they appear relaxed and seem the best …

The Liberal with a Labor face
John Gorton had been dropped as prime minister by his own casting vote in 1971. Norman Gunston’s opening question for this interview is whether Gorton was considered by his own party to have been …

Irian Jaya’s history
The United Nations gave Indonesia control of Irian Jaya in 1962, despite the protests of the Papuans. Some 20,000 people have since died in conflicts in the highland provinces between the indigenous people and …

‘Welcome to Manila’
Linda Phillips, a volunteer law student from Australia, is met by Hoi Trinh, an Australian-Vietnamese lawyer at Manila Airport. Hoi has volunteered to help the Vietnamese boat people who are living in the Philippines as …

Refugee Studies Centre
Hoi Trinh is an Australian-Vietnamese lawyer. Oxford University has accepted him into one of the few academic courses dealing with refugees in the world. The clip shows Hoi in class with his teachers Professor Guy …

The first long march
In June 2002, Trish Kirby, her husband Rob and their four children travelled thousands of kilometres from their home in Melbourne to Port Hedland Detention Centre to meet fifteen-year-old Ali, an asylum seeker from Afghanistan …

‘Send a petition to the King’
The clip begins with historical footage of King Burraga who speaks about equal rights and justice for Aboriginal people. William Cooper, an Aboriginal elder, begins the fight for rights by having a petition signed, with …

Goodbye Somoza
Set to a jaunty song about having fun in Nicaragua, Bradbury uses stills and black and white archival footage to describe Somoza’s rise to power, backed by the US who provided military training and …

Nicaragua under attack
Nicaragua is attacked at its borders by the Contras. They are backed by the USA, which claims that Nicaragua is supplying arms to leftist guerrillas in El Salvador. Tomás Borge, the Nicaraguan Minister for the …

November victory
On 8 November 1954, Federal Parliament authorised a Bill to secure the right of employers to recruit labour for the waterfront, overturning the tradition of waterside labour being picked by the union. This clip dramatises …

‘The price of profit’
This clip argues the dangers of working on the waterfront by highlighting excerpts from the Report on the Medical Examination of Waterside Workers (1945) about high blood pressure, lung disease and hernia. X-rays of workers …

‘Go back to Russia’
Journalist Wilfred Burchett reported the Vietnam War from the 'other side’. After he lost his passport the Australian Government refused to issue him with a replacement. He is seen at a press conference after he …

‘I just didn’t seem to fit in’
Vietnam veterans Peter Stainthorpe and Rowan Marsh recall returning to Melbourne after two years of active service in Vietnam. They felt that nothing had changed at home and yet they had changed. They sought out …