Human rights
The following clips have teachers’ notes related to this topic:

Fiction of terra nullius
Peter Yu of the Yawuru and Bunuba, Kimberley Land Council, talks about Indigenous relationship to land and the High Court decision in Mabo v Queensland (No 2) (1992) 175 CLR 1. Paul …

A country’s shame
It is 1993. Dr John Hewson exclaims to the Parliament that the passing of the 'Mabo Bill’ will be a day of shame for Australia. Titles on the screen summarise the key points of the …

Law stick
John Howard responds to the High Court’s decision on the native title of the Wik and Thayorre peoples in Wik Peoples v Queensland (1996) 141 ALR 129. News footage shows a …

Recollection of childhood
Three Jewish comedians, Deb Filler from New Zealand, Sandy Gutman (Austen Tayshus) from Melbourne and American Moshe Waldoks, talk about their childhoods as children of Holocaust survivors.

MV Tampa and September 11
News footage of the Norwegian freighter MV Tampa carrying over 400 rescued asylum seekers off the coast of Australia is accompanied in a split-screen by barrister Julian Burnside QC who outlines the international laws protecting …

The trauma of Bali
A split-screen shows images of the Bali bombings memorial service in Canberra in October 2002 and Brian Deegan, who lost his son Josh in the bombings. As the images of the memorial service unfold on …

Best man on ground
Prospect Bay has won the grand final in spectacular fashion. At the awards presentation that night, star-player Dumby Red (Luke Carroll) fully expects to be named best player on ground, but the local publican, Big …

A project about kids
Marg is now involved in a very different mission, in charge of looking after street kids in a provincial Chinese city. She lives in an apartment and travels to work on a bus. It’s …

This child, Zita
Aggie Abbott tells of how, when Zita returned to her mother after years of being absent, her mother said that her daughter was dead. Ron Wallace, Zita’s husband, talks about Zita’s experience of …

Back to country
Zita is sitting on a stool feeding a poddy calf. In voice-over Aggie Abbott says most children who were taken away never returned to their country. Zita on the other hand has sought her family …

According to the Geneva Conventions
Corporal Stan Davidson (Alan David Lee) is still recovering from his war injury when he’s posted to the prisoner of war (POW) camp at Cowra. He assumes he’ll be guarding Italian prisoners. The …

We Are Going
Aerial views of Minjerriba (Stradbroke Island), and Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker) walking along the beach with children. Oodgeroo tells us the inspiration for her poetry, and its role in personal and political resistance to white …

‘Long live human rights’
Dissident writer Mario is interviewed in the street where pro and anti Fidel protestors gather and argue. Mario is facing an eighteen-month prison sentence for criticising the government. Some of the gathered crowd shout 'Long …

Business as usual
The United Nations has just completed a report on the Democratic Republic of the Congo detailing how President Joseph Kabila and his cronies are pillaging the country of its mineral riches, aided and abetted by …

‘As much right as anybody’
The girls walk into a cafe for milkshakes. They are told to drink them at the counter. Trilby (Kristina Nehm) urges her family to sit down in a booth. The white patrons taunt them with …

No future
Night-time. White lines disappear into the darkness as a solitary car drives along a lonely stretch of country road. Files stacked beside the driver tell us that he is a field officer for the Royal …

A family dilemma
The war has ended in El Salvador and the Robles family have some choices to make. While Maria has adapted well and has found a fulfilling job, her husband Carlos longs to return to El …

‘Welcome to Manila’
Linda Phillips, a volunteer law student from Australia, is met by Hoi Trinh, an Australian-Vietnamese lawyer at Manila Airport. Hoi has volunteered to help the Vietnamese boat people who are living in the Philippines as …

Refugee Studies Centre
Hoi Trinh is an Australian-Vietnamese lawyer. Oxford University has accepted him into one of the few academic courses dealing with refugees in the world. The clip shows Hoi in class with his teachers Professor Guy …

Escape to Australia
Chen Xing Liang describes how and why he came to Australia. Both his parents were tortured and died during the Cultural Revolution in China and the clip implies he was a participant in the Tiananmen …

‘No clouds in the sky’
Refugee Chen Xing Liang revisits the Port Hedland Detention Centre where he was detained for six months after arriving in Australia illegally. He was one of 56 Chinese refugees. He recalls crying from loneliness.

Historical footage of Jimmy Little. Jimmy’s daughter Frances Peters-Little talks about her father, and how their shared passion for music ensured a great family bond. Russell Taylor talks about Jimmy Little overcoming stereotypes.

The first long march
In June 2002, Trish Kirby, her husband Rob and their four children travelled thousands of kilometres from their home in Melbourne to Port Hedland Detention Centre to meet fifteen-year-old Ali, an asylum seeker from Afghanistan …

Like one big family
Two people removed from their families as children to enter into servitude, Margaret Tucker and Bill Reid, speak of their experience growing up. Historical footage shows children placed in missions.

‘Pretty frocks’
Flo Caldwell, born 1910, from Ulgundarhi Reserve and Violet Shea, born 1912, talk of their experience of schooling on the reserve and being selected by the Protection Board inspector for cheap labour.

‘Send a petition to the King’
The clip begins with historical footage of King Burraga who speaks about equal rights and justice for Aboriginal people. William Cooper, an Aboriginal elder, begins the fight for rights by having a petition signed, with …

The wrong place
The six Iraqis and six Cambodians have swum ashore from the Indonesian fishing boat. The captain Muluk (Sawung Jabo) tells them to climb a sand dune and wait for a bus, but he knows there …

World class
This clip describes the constant disruptions to the boys’ preparation for an exhibition, and the discouragement of art as a vocation. Noel White’s daughter and excerpts from White’s diary describe the interference from …

‘Work or die’
Slave labourers were used by German industry during the Second World War. Siemens, BMW and Krupp are named. Survivors Kitia Altman and Abraham Biderman recall the horrors of being slave labourers.

‘We want an apology’
The organisation The Claims Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany seeks to compensate the victims of slave and forced labour by German industry during the Second World War. Karen Heilig works for victims and …

‘Victims’ justice is going to prevail’
President Rau of Germany publicly apologises to the forced and slave labourers used by German industry during the Second World War. German lawyer Dr Michael Vitti says that getting closure is difficult for the Holocaust …

Across the colour bar
Historical footage is intercut with an interview with Flora Hoolihan, daughter of Leandro Illin and Kitty Clarke. She tells of her mother being pursued by the police. We also see historical footage of children eating …

The stealing of children
As Constable Riggs (Jason Clarke) arrives, Maude (Ningali Lawford) realises he has come to take the children. They run, but Riggs cuts off their escape route and seizes the children one by one. He warns …

Mr Neville says no
At the Moore River Aboriginal settlement, Molly (Everlyn Sampi) is called out of the assembly to be inspected by Mr AO Neville (Kenneth Branagh), the Protector of Aborigines. Mr Neville checks the colour of her …

The wrong fence
Mr Neville (Kenneth Branagh) tells the police inspector (Roy Billing) that the three escaped girls must be following the rabbit-proof fence north, to their home. He devises a plan to catch them, sending police troopers …

‘Mothers don’t give up their babies easily’
Kate visits a volunteer organisation to get help to locate her birth parents. Barry (Nick Enright) explains why there is so much secrecy around the details of adoption.

The power of fear
Father Brian Gore describes how he educates the poor people of Negros in the Philippines to become empowered against oppression. He stresses the values of human dignity and a display of fearlessness.

They know about you
Governments collect and process data for a range of reasons, including law enforcement, ascertaining voting trends and surveillance of citizens. Databanks exchange information to refine that information. The narration suggests that this may be a …

Target demographic
Frank, a political direct mail consultant, shows how electoral rolls can be analysed to reveal particular demographic groups in an electorate. He says political parties can then more effectively target issues specific to particular groups.