The following clips have teachers’ notes related to this topic:

Painting the Dreamtime
Adrian Newstead, director of the Coo-ee Gallery in Sydney hopes that the art works will develop with the young Aboriginal painters and last forever. Aboriginal artist, Barbara Weir, says that she is painting to record …

Benny Tjapaltarri and Mick Ngamurarri tell us the significance of the Dreaming, and how the Dreaming ancestors created the landscape.

The land is sad
A sweeping aerial view of mountains jutting out of the flat desert-scape. A song of the area plays out in subtitles over the image. An elder tells us about the sacred Ancestor of this area …

‘You can’t take my photograph’
At a bush camp, Sue Charlton (Linda Kozlowski) is at first spooked by the quiet arrival of an Aboriginal man in face paint. Mick (Paul Hogan) introduces Neville (David Gulpilil), a 'real city-boy’, and then …

Wangkatjungka elder Spider sits with the children and shows them how Kurtal became a serpent. Spider then leads a convoy to the jila (living waterhole) where Kurtal slumbers, taking his family to meet their ancestor …

Scotty Martin shows us rock paintings of Wandjina, the ancestor who – in Scotty’s culture – is the being who created the world, giving Aborigines culture and law. Or, as Scotty puts it, 'the boss’.

‘A big book’
Sweeping aerial views show Mparntwe (Alice Springs). Voice-over narration tells us that the landscape of Mparntwe was created by ancestral beings as they travelled through the country. Elder Max Stuart explains the principles of the …

My father’s country
Arrernte Mat-utjarra Elder Rupert Max Stuart’s voice runs over the image of the unfolding night in a riverbed outside of Alice Springs. Max tells us he’s come home. He’s 77 years old …

This is the Dreaming
Arrernte Mat-utjarra Elder Rupert Max Stuart sits by the fire, telling his descendents a yarn about the Dreaming. Max has a grandfather from the Lurritja side, and a grandfather from the Arrernte side, and says …