The following clips have teachers’ notes related to this topic:

Australian wilderness
Bob Brown paddles along the tranquil final stretches of the Franklin River. This is as it must have looked even before the first Europeans arrived in Tasmania.

Trees get a chance
Actor Jack Thompson wraps up the documentary, summarising the achievements of the Terania Creek protesters and delivering an impassioned plea to stop the destruction of rainforests.

Tasmania’s natural landscape
A view from onboard the rack railroad follows the path of the King River Gorge through canyons, waters and forested slopes. Travelling through Tasmania’s west coast by launch down the Gordon River, cinematographer Frank …

Loggers versus greenies
Loggers and greenies discuss issues as the environmentalists set up a blockade to prevent logging. Confrontation leads to accusations like 'parasites’ as the two sides confront each other at the logging site.

Paper consumption
Over a time-lapse sequence that shows people buying stationery, wrapping paper and cards, narrator Noni Hazelhurst describes the history, uses and increased consumption of paper and paper products. As the narrator lists the ways that …

An organised destruction
The Creswick Forestry School ensures that scientific, theoretical and practical knowledge and experience inform forest policy, ensuring that reforestation, allocation of state forests, and protection against bushfires combat the ‘organised destruction’ of the industry.

A montage of rainforest wilderness is accompanied by an essay in voice-over extolling the value of rainforest to humankind, including that it is the place to experience nature and regeneration.