Clip description
The slowly disintegrating Goddard family are watching the news. They are painfully aware that their son, Phil (Nicholas Eadie) is in Vietnam as a conscript. The evening news shows the terrible and soon to become iconic photo of the South Vietnamese police chief administering summary justice and shooting dead a suspected Viet Cong on the streets of Saigon. The family is deeply shocked although their responses to this horror is reflected in their different political views and divergent views of the war.
Curator’s notes
The war in Vietnam was played out on the nation’s television screens almost every night. The Goddard’s growing horror at the violence mirrors the state of mind of so many Australian and American families at that time.
The clever device of having Douglas Goddard (Barry Otto) as a senior bureaucrat means that we have close encounters with the policy decisions of Australia’s various conservative Prime Ministers during those years, from Robert Menzies who began Australia’s involvement, through Harold Holt, John Gorton and Billy McMahon.