Clip description
The talent show is in full swing as Taylor (Marny Kennedy) waits anxiously for Hector (Nicolas Dunn) to arrive with the DNA results. Unfortunately it doesn’t work out quite the way she imagined and her parent’s burlesque show ‘Undies Through the Ages’ goes ahead – to the delight of the audience, and to Taylor’s mortification.
Curator’s notes
This clip is a rich mix of visual humour and harmless underpants and bottom jokes. The self-obsessed Taylor (Marny Kennedy) doesn’t see what is really happening, she is too caught up imagining her own version of events and how they will impact on her. In fact, we can see the audience is bored to death by the Flune’s ‘perfect’ piano playing, the veneer crack in the ‘perfect’ family when Brittany’s (Maia Mitchell) father Michael (Peter Kent) shoves her snobbish mother Loretta (Veronica Neave) off the piano stool; and most important of all, how Taylor’s parents wow the audience. Her funny, clever parents are legends in Leon’s (Luke Erceg) eyes, but not Taylor’s!