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Titles tagged with ‘media language’

4 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Serious Undertakings documentary – 1983

Serious Undertakings breaks new ground in understanding the construction of meaning and exemplifies the impact of 1970s screen theory on making independent films.

Flipper and Lopaka – The Secrets of Quetzo television program – 1999

Producer Yoram Gross used animation to free up Flipper: ‘In the old series, Flipper was like an extra … we gave him the chance to be the action hero.’

The Fairytale Police Department – Black Day for Snow White television program – 2002

Crimes committed in Fairytale land mean the world’s best-known fairy tales won’t end the way they should. Combines genres of fairytale and detective television.

Wicked Science – Episode 1, The Gift television program – 2003

The spectacular dinosaur scenes and the transformation from nerd to villainous ice queen make this a not-to-be-missed episode.