Clip description
Bill (Arthur Tauchert) and his 'cobber’ Ginger Mick (Gilbert Emery) go to the illicit 'two-up’ school after several hours of drinking. The police raid the game, chasing the players all over the neighbourhood. Mick hides in a horse feed barrel, but Bill is arrested after a 'stoush’ with a policeman.
Curator’s notes
The details of this scene would have been much more familiar to audiences in 1920, including the 'dandified’ clothes worn by Ginger Mick, which clearly identify him as a member of a 'push’, or gang of ruffians (especially the high-waisted pants and the fancy scarf). They would have recognised the man outside the 'two-up’ game as the 'cockatoo’, or look-out. The scene is played for rich comedy but it also establishes that 'the Kid’ is no angel – he puts the boot in to the policeman the first chance he gets.