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King of the Coral Sea (1954)

play May contain names, images or voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Violence – low
clip ‘You’re fired, Yusep’

This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

Janiero (Rod Taylor) picks a fight with Yusep (Lloyd Berrell), who has lent company equipment to local deadbeat Grundy (Reg Lye). Yusep’s girlfriend, Serena (Francis Chin Soon), watches the brawl before Ted (Chips Rafferty) intervenes.

Curator’s notes

Certain that Yusep and Grundy are running the people smuggling racket, Ted and Janiero plan this fight as a means of firing Yusep and forcing his hand. Neither Rod Taylor nor Lloyd Berrell had appeared in a feature film before, and both acquit themselves well with the fisticuffs. Although the sequence could have used some music, it’s a vigorous stoush with fine underwater photography by Noel Workman.