Clip description
A young boy prepares a Shetland pony for an appearance at the agricultural show. He brushes its tail and mane, cleaning its hooves and fitting it with a saddle. The boy sits atop the pony as it taps its front hoof on the ground. A white Arabian stallion and rider are paraded in the showground. Horses in competition are presented for the judges.
Curator’s notes
The intertitle which precedes this clip – ‘Young Bill’s first appearance in public’ – playfully introduces these scenes with this confident and very ‘adult’ young boy and his Shetland pony (it is not clear whether ‘Bill’ refers to the boy or his pony!). The boy is clearly conscious of the camera and performs his grooming routine to a tee. But it also shows that the children who grow up around agricultural and show families quickly become familiar with the processes and routines involved in preparing and caring for the animals. From this miniature world, the viewer is then jolted back to the reality of it being a competition, with the handsome Arabian stallion and other show horses on display for the judges.