
an NFSA website

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State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales

Liz McNiven looks at the community service announcements made by the New South Wales government to promote public health, agricultural education and road safety. [read more]

Outback on Screen

NFSA Historian Graham Shirley traces the rich diversity of Australian cinematic representations and interpretations of the outback. [read more]

Horror in Australian Cinema

While vampires and zombies thrilled audiences in the Northern hemisphere, Australia’s idea of a horror scenario lay somewhere in the vast centre of the continent. [read more]

The Depression

The Depression was worse for Australia than many other countries. Paul Byrnes wonders if that explains its treatment on Australian screens. [read more]

A Short History of Indigenous Filmmaking

After almost a century of silence as a creative voice in screen culture, Indigenous filmmakers have, within a generation, become a vibrant presence in the centre of filmmaking in Australia. Liz McNiven explores the short but significant move from being in front of to behind the camera. [read more]

Water in Australian cinema

Australia is the driest inhabited continent, but you don’t have to drill far to find water in our movies. [read more]

Gallipoli on Film

The legend of Gallipoli formed quickly in Australian hearts, based on the report of a man who wasn’t quite there. Australian feature film companies re-created the landings of 25 April 1915 on film, and that footage is still often presented as real. Paul Byrnes untangles the mythology of Gallipoli on film. [read more]

General Motors Holden

This is a collection of black-and-white and colour cinema and television advertisements produced for General Motors Holden from 1948 through to the mid 1970s. [read more]

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