Full list of people (cast and crew)
This is a complete list of all people with credits listed on australianscreen. Click on any name for a list of titles in which they appear. Please note, this is not a definitive list of all programs with which they have been associated during their career.
- Peter Aanensen
- Mark Aarons
- Sunny Abberton
- Brian Abbot
- Aunty Aggie Abbott
- John Abbott
- Peter Abbott
- Harry Abdy
- Aljin Abella
- Dwayne Abeyesekera
- Abigail
- Yomi Abiodun
- Melissa Abraham
- Lucy Abroon
- Luigi Acquisto
- Ann Aczel
- Lisa Adam
- Brian Adams
- Chris Adams
- Di Adams
- Gary Adams
- Glenda Adams
- Harvey Adams
- Keith F Adams
- Martin Leroy Adams
- Peter Adams
- Phillip Adams
- Robert Adams
- Rosemary Adams
- James Adamson
- Danny Adcock
- Erika Addis
- John Addison
- Jan Adele
- Lilias Adeson
- Ilma Adey
- Nicholas Adler
- Kenny Aernouts
- Declan Affley
- Max Afford
- Rodney Afif
- Dan Agar
- Michael Agar
- Daniel Agdag
- Ben Ager
- Jamie Agius
- Jenny Agutter
- Jessica Ah Chee
- Patsy Ah-Choo
- Basia A'Hern
- Baktiyar Ahmed Afridi
- Joshua Ahn
- Yasutake Aikaw
- Jenny Ainge
- Owen Ainley
- Matt Aitken
- Michael Aitkens
- Greg Aitkin
- James Aitren
- Gloria Ajenstat
- Anthony Alafaci
- John Alansu
- Arthur Albert
- Ray Alchin
- Janita Alderson-Hicks
- Bruce Alexander
- Eileen Alexander
- Elizabeth Alexander
- Kirk Alexander
- Robert Alexander
- Roy Alexander
- Gillian Alexy
- Ali Ali
- Dorothy Alison
- Cameron Allan
- Jack Allan
- Jack S Allan
- Juliana Allan
- Rod Allan
- Toni Allaylis
- Michael Allder
- Bruce Allen
- Davida Allen
- Jack Allen
- John Allen
- Marilyn Allen
- Mark Allen
- Eddie Allison
- Tony Allison
- Stephen Allkins
- Will Alma
- David Alrich
- Danny Alsabbagh
- John Alsop
- Karin Altmann
- William Alwyn
- Waleed Aly
- Nadine Amadio
- Nandjiwarra Amagula
- Daniel Amalm
- Michele Amas
- Joe Amato
- Mitch Ambrose
- Jeremy Ambrum
- Pino Amenta
- Stephen Amezdroz
- Christine Amor
- Lliam Amor
- Christina Amphlett
- Chris Anastassiades
- Marie Andersen
- Alison Anderson MLA
- Andy Anderson
- Anthony Anderson
- Brian Anderson
- Bruce Anderson
- Don Anderson
- Isabelle Anderson
- Jamie Anderson
- Jen Anderson
- Kevin Anderson
- Laurie Anderson
- Michael Anderson Jnr
- Ric Anderson
- Robin Anderson
- Rodney Anderson
- Tammy Anderson
- Kristin Andersons
- Mario Andreacchio
- Christina Andreef
- Hollie Andrew
- Maureen Andrew
- Anthony Andrews
- Auriel Andrews
- Brian Andrews
- Don Andrews
- Donna Andrews
- Gabriel Andrews
- Marie Andrews
- Michelle Andrews
- Paul Andrews
- Peter Andrikidis
- Arthur Angel
- Bernard Angel
- George Angel
- Kelan Angel
- Scott Angeles
- Maria Angelico
- Barbara Angell
- Rohanna Angus
- Lucy Angwin
- Debra Annear
- Maurie Annese
- Imogen Annesley
- Kim Anning
- Victoria Anoux
- Alice Ansara
- Martha Ansara
- Ronnie Ansell
- Marianne Anthony
- Wayne Anthony
- Alexi Anthopoulos
- John Antill
- Christine Anu
- Helen Anu
- Brett Aplin
- Jen Apostolou
- Noel Appleby
- Gregory Apps
- Andrew Arbuthnot
- Alexander Archdale
- Bruce Archer
- Robyn Archer
- Ellen Kay Archibald
- Helen Kay (Maisie) Archibald
- JE Archibald
- Muir J Archibald
- Susan Ardill
- Chris Ardill-Guinness
- Damien Arena
- Heidi Arena
- Lewis Argall
- Rachel Argall
- Ray Argall
- David Argue
- Zain Ariff
- Don Arioli
- Malcolm Arkaringa
- Vicki Arkley
- Neil Armfield
- Martin Armiger
- Lucinda Armour
- Chloe Armstrong
- Craig Armstrong
- Gillian Armstrong
- John Armstrong (1)
- John Armstrong (2)
- Kerry Armstrong
- Peter Armstrong
- Sonja Armstrong
- Frank Arnold
- Jeffrey Arnold
- John Arnold
- Billy Aronson
- Britt Arthur
- Ronnie Arthur
- Paula Arundell
- Lorraine Ashbourne
- Caspian Ashby
- Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett
- Darren Ashton
- Queenie Ashton
- Peter Askew
- Rita Aslin
- Richard Aspel
- Peter Astridge
- Jale Ataogo
- Helen Athanasiadis
- Geoffrey Atherden
- Michael Atherton
- Stuart Atkin
- Cameron Atkins
- Lizzette Atkins
- David Atkinson
- John Atkinson
- Kate Atkinson
- Michael Atkinson
- Sarah Aubrey
- Georges Auric
- Bob Austin
- Ward 'Pally' Austin
- Australia Council for the Arts
- Igor Auzins
- Phillip Avalon
- Stephany Avila
- Miguel Ayesa
- G Ayling
- J Ayling
- Tony Ayres
- Sally Ayre-Smith
- Saeed Azarnejad
- Zainal Aziz