
an NFSA website

Titles tagged with ‘uranium’

9 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Australian Walkabout television program – 1958

The Chauvels, on a filmmaking safari of Australia, travel through the Northern Territory to Rum Jungle for a privileged look inside a uranium mine.

Peach’s Australia – Flinders Ranges television program – 1976

Peach’s meanders around the country he’s describing, offering tantalising snippets of history, spiced with art history and Aboriginal Dreaming stories.

Backs to the Blast, an Australian Nuclear Story documentary – 1981

Made 25 years after nuclear tests were conducted in SA in the 1950s, this documentary stirred up a political hornet’s nest.

Jabiluka documentary – 1997

This film offers Indigenous, scientific and economic perspectives on the issue of mining uranium at Jabiluka.

Walking Through a Minefield documentary – 1999

Jabiluka 2, the world’s richest uranium deposit, has been dogged by conflict between mining interests and environmental and Indigenous groups.

Blowin’ in the Wind documentary – 2005

David Bradbury argues against weapons that use depleted uranium, and says they have already been tested in Australia by the US.

Dirty War documentary – 2005

Defence force personnel say all military exercises are environmentally sustainable, but the filmmaker sides with the community.

Living Country documentary – 2005

The federal government’s 2005 proposal to dump nuclear waste 'in the middle of nowhere’ is impossible, given that the whole of Australia is ‘somewhere’.

A Hard Rain documentary – 2007

A Hard Rain came out of David Bradbury’s concern that Australia was about to embark on the biggest environmental disaster since white settlement.