Titles tagged with ‘sexism’
20 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Blue Heelers – A Woman’s Place television program – 1993
This first episode of Blue Heelers combines police drama with soap elements and introduces us to the show’s key country locations and the central 'family’ of contrasting characters.

Chequerboard Revisited – Episode 3: I Reckon I’m an Average Australian television program – 2000
Kevin and Margaret, filmed three times over a 30-year period, show how attitudes towards marriage have changed in Australia between the 1960s and 2000.

Chinese Take Away documentary – 2002
An adaptation of a physical theatre show by performer Anna Yen, which explores stories about her family.

Cop Shop – Episode 109 television program – 1978
This episode of Cop Shop is notable for bringing together Mel Gibson, Steve Bisley and Joanne Samuel a short time before they all starred in George Miller’s landmark Mad Max (1979).

Cop Shop – Episode 485 television program – 1983
This episode is a good example of the relatively adventurous single-episode stories featured in Cop Shop at this point in its run. These appeared alongside the more usual crime and soap-oriented plotlines.

A Girl, a Horse, a Dream documentary – 2003
This documentary follows the top Australian female jockey for a year to see if men and women can compete equally in horseracing.

Greetings from Wollongong short feature – 1982
Writer-director Mary Callaghan’s film provides an insight into the creativity and friendships that give meaning to an otherwise desperate existence.

The Inventors television program – 1980
Panellist Diana 'Bubbles’ Fisher is expected to play the 'dizzy dame’, so she can be guaranteed to talk about the colour of the gadget while the guys talk knowingly about its science.

Mail Order Bride television program – 1984
A hard-hitting drama about racism, sexism and xenophobia in a small country town.

McLeod’s Daughters television program – 1996
The McLeod’s Daughters telemovie about independent women running a rural Australian property inspired the later successful TV series.

McLeod’s Daughters – Welcome Home television program – 2001
Self-reliant women working the land, romantic rural vistas and horseriding and farming montages make up the signature style of McLeod’s Daughters.

Police Rescue – By the Book television program – 1990
Police Rescue was an immensely popular series during the 1990s, starting as a telemovie then spawning a weekly series for five years and even a feature film.

Puberty Blues feature film – 1981
When the two teenage girls at the heart of this film buy a surfboard and teach themselves to surf, they become their own role models.

Rinso Laundry Powder : Hilda and Hugh Jones advertisement – c1940
Mrs Hilda Jones overcomes the drudgery of housework with the discovery of Rinso. Her husband Hugh is very relieved that he no longer has to suffer her bad moods.

Shame feature film – 1987
Perth lawyer Asta Cadell uncovers a series of sex crimes and dark secrets in a small town in Western Australia.

Tandaco Prepared Stuffing: Don’t Cry Dear Lady advertisement – c1942
A classic example of the stereotypical image we have of the Australian housewife.

Wandjina! – Episode 5 television program – 1966
Strange events occur when people search for two boys missing in the bush.

We Aim to Please short film – 1976
We Aim to Please incorporated experimental and feminist ideas and was a bold break away from the narrative films and factual documentaries of the time.

Winner Take All – Downside Risk television program – 1982
An ABC TV series about the fast-paced world of big business, Winner Take All is an early ‘80s time capsule.

Women in the Surf documentary – 1986
Documentary on the battle for women to take to the waves, from Isabel Letham in 1914 to Pam Burridge in the 1980s.