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Titles tagged with ‘industry’

9 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Australia Prepared documentary – c1916

A recruiting film highlighting Australian wartime contributions, including shipbuilding and the manufacture of weapons and uniforms.

Maxonol Gramophone: Buy a Good Gramophone and Keep Her at Home advertisement – 1925

Typically for a cinema advertisement of the time, it takes a narrative style and is shot like a slowly paced short film.

Australian Cement in the Making documentary – c1926

Everything you wanted to know about cement making — in the 1920s — but were afraid to ask.

Peach Growing and Canning in Australia sponsored film – c1926

At the time the film was made, the Leeton State Canning Factory employed approximately 250 people and processed 120 tonnes of fruit a day.

Prices and the People documentary – 1948

Prices and the People provides a working-class view of price increases, wages and mounting profits and the effects on everyday people in 1948.

Port Botany: A Planning Dilemma documentary – 1979

Tom Zubrycki developed a filmmaking style he calls ‘verite narratives’. This work represents a transition in his development as a filmmaker.

The Chain Reaction feature film – 1980

The lives of car mechanic Larry and his wife Carmel are placed in danger following an accident at a nuclear waste facility in central Australia.

Paying For the Past documentary – 2000

The world’s largest class action seeks compensation from German industries that benefited from the forced labour of concentration camp inmates.

Willigan’s Fitzroy documentary – 2000

In the film’s introduction we hear the director talking with Willigan as they drive through the country in a four-wheel drive vehicle, setting up a style Thornton uses throughout the film.