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Titles tagged with ‘fascism’

5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Turkey Shoot feature film – 1982

Without doubt one of the most notorious Australian films ever made, Turkey Shoot has attracted both wildly positive and negative reactions over the years.

Waterfront – Episode 1 television program – 1984

Wharfies involved in a worker’s dispute and Italian refugees desperate to work during the Depression clash with tragic consequences.

Waterfront – Episode 2 television program – 1984

The series tells of the determination to stand up for what is right in a world that is rapidly slipping into a showdown between the extremes of fascism and communism.

Red Matildas documentary – 1985

Told through the lives of three women, Red Matildas explores the social and political conditions in Australia during the Great Depression.

One Way Street: Fragments for Walter Benjamin documentary – 1992

One Way Street is a timely exploration of a figure who was on the way to being recognised among the great 20th century philosophers.